
Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts Grass covered hill-top - 1 Viewing

A steep incline to the north of the red dunefields. Covered in lush greens and bright herbage light equines thrive upon the rich feed. A small underground spring supplies the flora with enough aqua to keep it healthy all year round although not many thick trunks grow upwards. Not much shelter is provided as the hill-top is open to all weather. It is best to control your grazing as sometimes the moist herbage can become to rich and cause a colic. The perfect place for a couple pf heaven seekers to catch up the good old times.

Moderator: Illinois

2 13 let it be?
by Illinois
Apr 18, 2009 23:13:11 GMT -5
No New Posts Red Dunefields - 1 Viewing

A large area full of red tinged sands that form a desert. All through the desert the stony plains have the sharp points of the thorny grasses. Not much foliage grows for protection from the warm sun. The gloomy shadows of the rain clouds hardly ever tip their bundles over the sod. Dusty and cracked the glebe forms tall mounds of red crystals to form the dunefields. All running parallel to the steady squalls this is a place for just the evil equines who roam the plains in search of something worth living for.

Moderator: Illinois

1 2 A witness is needed
by Illinois
Apr 10, 2009 9:29:39 GMT -5
No New Posts Flat peninsula

The lone plains of the flat ula are bare and baren. No flora covers the cracking quigmere and no aqua trickles across the sod. No rises make the lands interesting, it is just the wide open plains. However if the equines are feeling rather energetic and high strung they may come here to be relieved of their troubles. Occasionaly onemay get lost in these lands, a helpful stag may come and gather up lost vix and take them back to his cadre but more so pairs of fae will team up and roam the plains in search of more stray doe who do not wish to be claimed to join with them.

Moderator: Illinois

1 1 A doe he finds
by Illinois
Mar 31, 2009 4:41:12 GMT -5
No New Posts Rain Forest

The foliage here is lush, bright. Dark and moist. The smell of rotting vegetation can be detected and the skies hard to locate due to thick branches. The quigmere is soft to the sythes of the equine and the pistons seem to slice through the sod. Falling leaves and ferns cover the view of the distance and the chill of the atmosphere quickly cools the blood. A large forest where horses may come to communicate and claim their future followers.

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No New Posts Salty sea

A sweet scent of mild salt flots upon the atmosphere, filling the nares with its vile stench. The taste of the aqua is bitter and most proclaim it unworthy of being drunk. Only the snow white surface is familiar with the equines. The light fluffy sand is however different once again to the deserts heavy cystals. It travls under the waters surface but eventually drops from beneath the peds of the foolish equine. To most this is just a place to relax and meet knew faces but alas sometimes you have to suffer through the bitter tasting and vile stench of the salted seas.

Moderator: Illinois

1 7 the salt of the sea
by Illinois
May 18, 2007 20:54:22 GMT -5
No New Posts Rocky cliff-top - 1 Viewing

A gentle incline to the hard sod leads gradually upwards until you reach a large, flat area. Here the members of the cadre fight for the title of strogest cadre. Monthly battles will be set up by the kings of the cadres but first all have to attend the meetings. you do not have to fight but your herd will get more points if you do.

Moderator: Illinois

1 2 Stag awaits
by Witness
Apr 5, 2009 16:56:59 GMT -5

Board Information & Statistics

Board Description
Lands of the realm
Here are the different sections of the domain. Variety is important in an equines life. It is for this reason the territories range from rocky hills to sandy desertss. From rain forests to beaches. All boards are avaliable to those who seek companioship. Also claiming is enabled in these lands.
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