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No New Posts Graveyard

The foliage, dead and decaying. Shadows cover the ground. Large boulders surround the land and foliage grows thick and out of place. Horses come here to die. Once injured in a fight or aged.

Moderator: Illinois

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No New Posts Spirits Roam

In an area, surrounded by jagged, spiked trees. Shrubs and stones lay. Sod, mush and moist. The dark sky, unlight by the radiant sun. Shadows, excluding the moon. Spirits of the deceased come here to haunt. To menace their enemies. Also you may come here to come into contact with the parted.

Moderator: Illinois

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In Darkness
On the otherside of the globe, shadows are cast. Lights turn their dials as they parade by. The stench. Unbearable. Horses come here in search destruction and death.
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