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No New Posts Gathering grounds

Slightly uprooted by the many growing plants and foliage the soft mildew covered sod is a pleasure to graze upon. A small creek runs down from a steep incline to the east of the plateau, these grounds are the perfect combination for a happy and safe relationship between a lead hessian and his jezebel.

Moderator: Illinois

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No New Posts Crystal clear creek

The only main creek in the realm, stretching far into the east and west, but not daring to enter the north. The herbage surrounding the sandy sod bank is a luscious and bright in colour. Not much protective foliage grows near the creek but off to the side the boughs of the little trees are growing steadily. A perfect spot to lead your cadre if you are the sort to start a cadre of your very own.

Moderator: Illinois

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No New Posts Glimmering oasis

A small dip to the deserts sands leads to a small oasis. Surrounded by golden sand and large trunks of foliage, this place has only little vegetation near the sloping banks. Usually a hot temperament greets the harem members but if you are tough and hard you should be able to put up with the negatives of living in the desert.

Moderator: Illinois

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No New Posts Silver sand desert

A sea of sliver sands creates the desert of the lights. No liquid pours from the hills above nor is there an oasis. But if you look hard enough you might find the under ground spring. The weather is always warm even in winter and snow flakes hardly ever cover the region. This desert is best suited to the equines who can put up with the grueling heats and survive on little flora.

Moderator: Illinois

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No New Posts Sunshine coast

Sea levels have been rising and now the tides have taken over most of the sunshine coast although, large palm trees still grow off to one side and the soft sand is covered with small specks of green. The creek flows into these parts making the area another perfect place to live if you are concerned about your cadres welfare.

Moderator: Illinois

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Pristine Meadow
To the south of the realm a large plain full of lush grasses and tall foliage blossoms. The kind hearted, light spirited equines dwell throughout these parts never finding a need to threaten others or harm themselves. There is no limit to the amount of water being poured from the sky as there is always plenty to go around. It does not take long to get used to living in a state of luxury.

Only horses following The bright may claim
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