Flat peninsula

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newBookmarkLockedFalling New Rule [must read]
Illinois 0 161 by Illinois
Apr 11, 2009 18:16:49 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling A doe he finds
Illinois 0 65 by Illinois
Mar 31, 2009 4:41:12 GMT -5


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Flat peninsula
The lone plains of the flat ula are bare and baren. No flora covers the cracking quigmere and no aqua trickles across the sod. No rises make the lands interesting, it is just the wide open plains. However if the equines are feeling rather energetic and high strung they may come here to be relieved of their troubles. Occasionaly onemay get lost in these lands, a helpful stag may come and gather up lost vix and take them back to his cadre but more so pairs of fae will team up and roam the plains in search of more stray doe who do not wish to be claimed to join with them.
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